Ashley Andrade
The Fire Brigade is on its Way, Acrylic on Canvas, 10 x 12, 2023
The Fire Brigade is on its Way
Daily stresses in the life of a man can more than often be dismissed. The hardships from work, bills, and relationships, when left unaddressed, build up internally and can take a significant toll mentally. "The Fire Brigade is on its Way" is a visual expression of how some men feel about the pressures in life that are put on them
Artist Biography
Ashley Andrade is in her 3rd year of the BFA Visual Studies program at the University of Calgary. She primarily works with acrylic and aerosol mediums and strives to combine figurative and abstract painting techniques but isn't limited to experimentation with photography and charcoal drawing.
Artist Statement
My art practice is inspired by faces, bodies and metaphors. I work towards depicting inner thoughts if they were to happen outside the mind. I am inspired by techniques from artists that I come across on social media and am working towards transforming my art with a more surrealistic approach.
How did you start your practice?
My art began as a craft more than art practice, but as I've progressed though school learning about the history and importance of conceptuality, I've developed into focusing my practice to painting metaphors