Charlotte Dover


Portrait of a Man

Portrait of a Man was and still is the largest and most detailed portrait that I have created to date. His youthful face is adorned with blemishes and scars, bringing up questions surrounding the man's identity and character. It was through this piece that I learned the importance of lights and shadows in portraits, as they make the artwork feel more alive and it also adds depth. Depending on your distance from the portrait, different elements and details will be visible. 


Artist inspiration

My art practice is inspired by other artists, both new and old. I am able to admire and draw inspiration from the artists of the past, especially when it comes to the Renaissance and Pre-Raphaelite periods. It is also inspiring to see what the artists I follow are creating and being able to learn about their creative processes and techniques. My other passions are also commonly portrayed in my pieces. Such as my love for history and historical fashion, folklore, mythology and fantasy worlds.


Artist Bio

Charlotte Dover is a Bachelor of Arts student majoring in Ancient and Medieval History at the University of Calgary. She works and experiments with a variety of mediums, including pencil, acrylic paints, watercolor, alcohol markers and digital illustration. She believes that art is a means to express oneself and a reflection of how one interprets the world. From a young age she has had a passion for art, so she works to incorporate it into her everyday life and her degree.