Potřeby Silkscreen 15 in. x 20 in.
In this piece, I reflect on my family’s intergenerational trauma relating to food insecurity. The title, Potřeby, is the Czech word used colloquially to refer to “foodstuffs,” but more directly translates to “necessities.” This dual meaning captures my family’s perceived necessity of hoarded items, stemming from generations of war rationing and living under totalitarianism.
Within the scope of their art practice, Misha draws on a wide range of experiences to inform his work. As someone with a physical disability, the process of creating art is a direct response to their gradual and ongoing loss of physical ability, and it is important to them to explore their sensory world through the creation of art. Thus, Misha works in a process-based approach, where his focus lies on the physical experience of creating rather than the final aesthetics of a piece. Textile, found objects, and other tangible materials can often be seen at the centre of their works for this reason, often inspired by the textile mediums which were passed down through the women in their family.
Artist Statement
Misha Storkova is an emerging artist studying at the University of Calgary. They are currently based on Treaty 7 land, with a strong personal and cultural background in Eastern Europe. Misha’s primary mediums are fibre arts and printmaking, though anything employing a hands-on mixed media approach lies within his interest. Materiality is often the foundation for concept, utilizing textile as a historically female medium to explore themes such as queer and matrilineal domestic labour. An approach informed by personal experience and art history is integral, as one of the main themes he explores is the gendered division of “art” and “craft.”