Will Neuhaus


River Collaboration

The painting began with the spreading of local ochre on a stretched canvas that was later placed within Canmore creak during the snowmelt season. Currently, I am fascinated by interactions within the landscape. By placing my painting within a local creak I was able to allow the watershed to tell its own history through the movement of reeds, stones, and other mark-making implements.

Words of the Artist

My interest in art academically grew from visiting galleries as a young child. I distinctly remember visiting the Art Gallery of New South Wales in maybe year 8 or 9 on a field trip and staring with fascination at the work of the conservators through a window situated nearby the loading dock being used for lunch. My interest in abstraction was piqued when I had the opportunity to see Cy Twombly's Roses at the Museum Brandhorst, the use of non-traditional materials and marks to create drawings has continued to be a constant form of inspiration. 

Artist Biography

Will Neuhaus is an Australian artist and Fine Art student at the University of Calgary. Through an innate connection to the land built on a lifetime of living with and recreating within the bush, Will attempts to explore and understand the memories hidden within our local wildlands. Will's current practice attempts to create paintings in collaboration with the land, their ultimate goal is to break from western traditions of landscape art and explore abstract materiality within a contemporary painting practice.